Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Something new on Pujols?!

So The Hardball Times has a new book. These guys take projections a step further and do so for three whole years. Just something for the baseball enthusiast to look into. But somewhere in there is this little tidbit:
Most Underrated Player: Albert Pujols. You want to talk intangibles and situational intelligence? Pujols ended a close game last year with a cross-diamond peg to nab a baserunner who'd strayed half a step past third base. He ended another by catching a trailing runner napping and signaling his catcher for a pickoff throw. He wins not just with his hitting but also with his fielding, throwing, baserunning, and his tremendous will. How did he not win the MVP? Either he's underappreciated, or his year-in, year-out greatness has gotten dull. No peaks, no valleys; nothing bores people like sameness.
Granted this was written by one of the top Cardinal bloggers but still....I like the way this guy thinks:)

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